Business Telephone Banking

Access at your fingertips!

Woman sitting outside on her phone

Get 24/7 access to your account from anywhere your phone gets service.

Using your phone, you’ll be able to:
  • Get account information
  • Transfer funds
  • Ability to set your own preferences for English or Spanish
  • Male or Female voice options
  • Voice or keypad commands

Setting up the telephone banking service is quick and easy. Simply call 888-758-4900. All you need is your account number and your four-digit PIN. First time users will need their full social security or tax I.D. number, Date of Birth and zip code and will select the four-digit PIN for recurrent uses. If you are having trouble accessing telephone banking service, contact your local branch for guidance.

Funds transferred before 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday will be credited the same banking day; all other transfers will be credited to your account on the next business day.